Hi Friends!

I am taking a short break from leading multi week Circles. Check back for updates.


circles are for you if:

  • You value meaningful connection

  • You are open to different perspectives

  • You are outgoing or introverted

  • You have been wondering “Where are my people?”

  • You are committed to showing up for your circle mates for the duration of the session


what they’re saying


what does a circle look like?

  • A group of women gathering, often who do not know each other.

  • A theme may be discussed, stories shared or a topic explored.

  • You are encouraged to share as often as you wish.

  • We hold space for each other to express and share in a safe space.

  • As a facilitator I leave room for the spontaneous, creative way we connect.

  • Should we meet face to face, Covid safe protocols include social distancing and face masks.


join us!